Project Description

Pakistan is a country of 180 million people with much sociocultural diversity. Socio-economic challenges of the country are multifaceted, as almost all the sectors like health, education, water and sanitation, climate, environment and economic development, require major reforms, in terms of governance as well as resource generation and source allocation for these sectors.

Human resource development across all the sectors, trades is another challenge. Pakistan economy is being ranked very high in terms of its projected GDP growth, in the back drop of Pak China Economic Corridor related foreign direct investment inflows. However, the nexus of socio-economic development challenges is still so immense that a lot of non-government organizations are working in various sectors and constitutional themes to reduce the human suffering and alleviate human spirits.

Funds are the life blood of every development organization, it be minor or major. In order to generate funds in a successful and sustainable manner, donor management is the key. Keeping in view the importance associated with the funds acquisition and donor management for delivering the social development agenda, Islamic Relief Pakistan commissioned a study for development of a strategic roadmap for fundraising and donor relationship management.